Hi !

On this page you will get to know me better.

I was born and raised in small village in the north of Sweden, not far from the arctic circle. The village was named Adakgruvan and was owned by a big mining company who, when the copperore in the mine nearby was no longer profitable to mine, eradicated it from the face of the earth.
So the tangible evidence of my childhood are no longer to be seen in real life, but lives vividly in my mind. Since I was a small child I have taken an interest in creating things. Especially things that nobody else have tried or done. Nobody else makes stone pictures like I do.
Previously I have worked in oil on canvas, watercolours and textile.  Nowadays the stones take most of my time, but I still take out my watercolour brushes and my sewing machine now and then.
My pictures can be found in many different locations. The Swedish embassy in Ottawa, Canada. In hospitals and other institutions. In some municipal offices in Sweden, Finland and Norway. And in many private collections. My work has been represented at a number of exhibitions. A theme exhibition at the Swedish Museum of Nordic Art. The Swedish National Springsalon. And the spring salon at the Regional Museum of Contemporary Art. To name a few.
Every year I am showing my work at exhibitions. Exhibition calendar
My studio is open for visitors. But you have to call in advance to make sure that I'll be home. Address and phone!
You are welcome to visit my web gallery.
Take a look at my CV if you want to.
 Now you know a little more about me.

You are most welcome to ask, if you would like to know more. I will reply to all questions submitted by Email..

Yours Lizbet!

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Lizbet Lagerström Atelje Huseby